Situation : Africa Guinea Gulf. |
Centre des Affaires Maritimes |
General Manager (Since 24/08/2016) | Cyrus NGO'O |
Deputy General Manager | Charles MOUKOKO NJOH |
Exploitation Manager | Gervais AMBOUA NDANGA |
Dredging and Logistic Manager | Georges Cracite MENYE |
Financial Managers | Achille NGWET Henri CHOUP |
Harbour Master | Abdoul HAKIM |
Tel : +237 233 42 13 33 / Fax : +237 233 42 35 50 Mob : +237 699 671 469 / 679 505 804 |
Assistant | Mohamadou GASSIMOU Mob : +237 679 505 866 |
Pilots : 06 | |
* CHUYEH Edward * ESSONO ESSONO Jean * FOKOUA Francois |
* NEMBOT Jean-Christophe * NOUBIOSE Emmanuel * SIGHA Honoré |
Beach Masters : 06 | |
* LEMBE Roger Berenger * MOUSSA Aliou * NANA François Leopold |
* NZEGANG Patrice * SANGONG Jonas * TOUOYIM Alexis |
Officer : 01 |
PORT DECISION 3434-20 of JUNE 04th, 2020 |
Each sector has the task of coordinating all the port activities of the sector concerned including domain and port facilities of the area : • Supervision of activities • Control of the flow of goods in the sector • Invoicing all sector operations • Recovery of relative claims |
SECTOR 1 - Head of Sector : MANGA EPPESSE. |
Covering domain and port facilities of below terminals Terminal Quay 51 and 52 Upstream of Quay 1 – Duc d'Albe, Quay 60 , 62 , 63, 64 Fishing port |
SECTOR 2 - Head of Sector : MAKENDI Paul Alexandre. |
Covering domain and port facilities from 1 to 13 And all quays from 2 till 13 |
SECTOR 3 - Head of Sector : Dr TACTUM Bruno. |
Sector covering domain and port facilities of Containers Terminal Logs yard Socomar vehicles Park And all quays from 14 till 17 |
SECTOR 4 - Head of Sector : KABAN Gideon. |
Covering domain and port facilities East of Messa Presse boulevard TMFD vehicles Park Annexe of Socomar vehicles Park |
Length / Beam / Air Draft |
Berth N°60 : Cinker - Dangote plant max LOA - 190 m |
Berth N° 51 : Tanker - caustic soda, LPGH, Palm oil, bitumen with Max LOA - 140 m |
Berth N° 52 : Clinker for Lafarge plant with Max |
LOA - 185 Max Beam, 30m and outreach minimum is 8,50 m |
Berth N° 1 : Tanker - cpp with max LOA - 145 m |
Berth N° 2 : Alumina with max LOA - 150 m |
Berth N°3 to 11: Conventionnal terminal, 1 300m lenght, no LOA restriction |
Berth N°14 to 16: Container terminal, 600m lenght |
Draft |
Wouri water is fresh water density 1. |
Tide variance |
From 0,3m at low water |
Quay depth: |
No official data |
Vessels movement schedule |
Vessels movements are fixed 1 hour before high tide for berthing or |
Working Hours |
2 Shifts: 07h30 – 17h00 and 17h30 – 06h30 |
Flag days and Holidays |
Prearrival Information : Communication |
Frequencies: 500 KHZ, 2182 KHZ, 8420 KHZ, 12582 KHZ |
ISPS Code |
Douala Port is ISPS certified since July 1st 2004. |
Coastal Light house |
Channel buoys co-ordinates |
Buoy A : Landing Buoy |
Port state control can check others vessels document in relation with their scope |
Customs, Immigration, Port State Control, Harbor Officers |
VI- CHENAL BUOYS (situation on 30/09/2016) |
According to the port regulation, Base Buoy is the recognised |
Pilotage is compulsory. |
Towage is compulsory for ships more than 1000 tons GRT. |
" BOLUDA CAMEROUN SA" Tel: +237 233 43 69 70 / Fax : +237 233 42 85 51 / P.O Box 2341 Douala Owned and operating 8 Tugs boats with following capacity. |
BERTH N°1 : CLEAN PETROLEUM PRODUCT 1 - Pressure max : 7 Bar 2 - Manifold size: Under ground manifold: 10'' / Vessel's manifold: 8'' 3 - Discharging rates : Super : 400 m3/Hour - Gasoil : 450 m3/Hour |
BERTH N°2 : ALUMINA PRODUCT 02 sucker fixed on 01 gantry Conveyor belt dirctly to silos |
BERTH N°3 : TO DISCHARGE RAILS WAY CARGO Distance from ship's side to the center of rail: 2.75 m Distance between rail: 1.10 m |
BERTH N°60 : VESSEL DISCHARGING CLINKER FOR DANGOTE PLANT Cargo discharged in to conveyor belt via hopper Vessel grabs & gears to be used 02 hoppers |
BERTH N°52 : VESSEL DISCHARGING CLINKER FOR LAFARGE PLANT Cargo discharged on conveyor belt directly to silos 02 shore grabs hooked by vessels gears 01 gantry sucker and conveyor belt Grabs capacity: Grabs of 05 T = 5 T capacity / Grabs of 07 T = 5 T capacity |
BERTH N°13 : VESSEL DISCHARGING WHEAT 01 gantry sucker and conveyor belt for 01 receiver Soomdia which plant is alongside For other receivers; shore grabs hooked by ships gear spilling product in to receivers trucks via hopper |
BERTH N°14, 15 and 16 Logs yard : SEPBC Capacity : 120 000 m3 Tug Boats : 5 units Barges : 12 units Loading Cranes : 3 units Productivity : 3000 / 3200 m3 per day |
BARGES : Barges used for lightening operations not often available. Barges owned by SEPBC used to transport heavy logs alongside ships for loading at seaside. BUNKERS : MDO always available: Order through agent or international nomination. Supply to the vessels alongside by tank trucks. 24 hrs working time notices required. Cost varies every 2 weeks around a trend of 0.40 Euro per liter. IFO :Available but long time notice required. Luboils of various grades available/supply in drums. Vessels working in Cameroon seawater or various Terminals do not benefit international bunkers prices. Water : Available alongside. Cost 1.10 Euro per cubic meter. Garbage disposal : not compulsory Sludge disposal : not compulsory/collection by tanks trucks. Price paid to the ship according to the sludge quality. RECREATION : Seamen mission and numerous nightclubs. SECURITY : Although port authorities supply gunmen, constant watch by crew is necessary. AIRPORT : Nearest international airport: Douala international Airport is 10 mns from the port (About 4 kms from the port). HOTELS : Numerous of various standing (up to 4 stars) Rooms to be booked long time prior to arrival for most important one. STOWAWAYS : Many are boarding from our port. Special attention must be paid and intensive research carried out 1 hour, prior vessel sailing. SURVEYORS / P&I CLUBS :Various classification society represented. Numerous cargo surveyors available. |